Letter To The New Nanny

I haven’t met you, yet. But I want to tell you about the most amazing little boy. He’s almost three and a little under 40 pounds, and somehow he is the biggest wrecking ball I will ever know. He will wreck your carefully constructed tower, knock over a glass of water with reckless abandon, and he will smash your heart into a million little pieces of love.

Once upon a time, I got to play nanny to a sweet babe. During my first meeting with my would-be nanny family, C reached up to shove his fist into his mouth, and for a moment, we locked eyes and he showed me the cutest toothless smile. It was at that moment, I knew I wanted to be his nanny.

Over the almost three years that I’ve worked for C’s family I’ve come to learn so much about life, love and myself. Some of these things I’ve learned before, and simply needed a reminder. Other things, I needed to learn & experience for the first time. This experience will teach you many things about yourself, as well. I hope you open your heart to love and allow such an incredible little guy in.

C, who I affectionally refer to as “my little”, is a ball of energy. He will surprise you with his never-ending drive to play. Play with him. Build towers as tall as the ceiling. Make slides out of cushions. Hide behind corners and yell, “rawrrrr”. Turn on some music and break out your craziest dance moves. Allow him reckless abandonment with the hose, and prepare yourself to get soaked.

Let him fall. Let him skin his knees, and then let him pick himself up. Encourage him to get back up. Offer hugs and love whenever possible. Teach him how to properly hold a crayon, and how to color in the lines. Allow him to help you bake, and don’t yell when he drops the batter. Show him science in the simplest ways- by mixing colors, looking at the rainbow that the sun creates across the water, or by adding vinegar to a baking soda volcano.

Allow him freedom to express and to create. Take him to all of the Richmond parks and encourage him to play until he literally can’t anymore. Show him through your actions and the care that you provide, what love looks like. Remind him that “please” & “thank you” will take him very far. Make sure he tells his parents goodbye every morning and blows kisses their way. When they get home, encourage him to run to them and tell them about his day.

Teach him what “No” means. Encourage him to respect the boundaries of others and to be firm on his own boundaries. Teach him that Bunny doesn’t have to go everywhere, because as long as someone/something is in his heart, they’ll be right there with him.

Love him. Love him through the temper tantrums, and through the tears. Love him despite his attention span, LOL. Love him on the sunny park days and on the rainy days spent playing inside. Love him through the play dates and the many Target runs. Love him. Love him hard.

Nothing about this job is easy. It’s hard work to love someone/something that does not belong to you, and to love it unconditionally. But I know that you’re up for the challenge.

I love my little. And now, he is your little. These aren’t reins that I lightly pass on to you. This is a big job, for someone with a boatload of patience, energy, selflessness, and love. Go into this with open arms and determination. I haven’t yet met you, but I sincerely wish you nothing but the best. This has the potential to be the best job you’ve ever had.

I know it’s been that way for me.


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