Letter To The New Nanny

I haven’t met you, yet. But I want to tell you about the most amazing little boy. He’s almost three and a little under 40 pounds, and somehow he is the biggest wrecking ball I will ever know. He will wreck your carefully constructed tower, knock over a glass of water with reckless abandon, and…

I’ll love you forever.

When I was a little girl, my favorite book was, “Love you forever” by Robert Munsch. It’s an adorable book that follows a little boy and his mom through life. As the duo go through life, the mom always tells her son, “I’ll love you forever, I’ll like you for always, as long as I’m…

Toddler Overnight Adventures

I spent last weekend with my favorite little guy, C. I’ve overnight sat for C before and it’s always a welcome adventure. I love C and getting to spend the weekend with him is so much fun- but it can be a ton of work. When planning for an overnight job, I try to have…

Fall update

We’ve had a busy summer and fall. Often, it feels like there isn’t a slow second in the day for C and I. C will turn 3 in March and everyday is a reminder of how much he is growing! I’ve loved seeing his personality grow and develop with the weeks. We spent summer working on…

Never met a cuter pumpkin (excavator)!

This year has gone by in a blur! Every month, I find myself wondering how did 2017 go by so fast!? October was no exception for busy months. C and I always keep busy- visiting Target, parks, and of course, so much playing! C enjoyed October by learning about Fall and the leaves falling and…

2016 year in review

Hey! We’ve been MIA for the majority of the year. We’ve been spending time focusing on growing and learning and sleeping. 😅 (Haha is this nanny, the only one who’s tired!?)  I wanted to take the time to wrap our year, and of course to keep our readers updated. It’s been a busy year for…

Honest confessions of an infant nanny

1. THERE IS NO SWEETER LOVE THAN THAT OF A BABY. I put this one in all caps, because I couldn’t reiterate this enough. One of the reasons why I love working with children is because of how innocent they are. They think innocently, they act innocently, and they love innocently. For a baby, multiply…

Welcome to Nanny Chronicles

Hi there! Thanks for stopping by! I’m Tasha and I live in Virginia. I created this blog as a safe space to get my thoughts and ideas out there, but also as a place for nannies, parents, teachers, caregivers etc. to be helpful tools to each other. This blog will have posts on children, and…