Creative Flow

If you’re looking for some great and fresh craft ideas, this is the place to be! But before we get there, be sure that you have the basics for your art projects! Here are some tips on how to make your crafting adventure a success:

1. Timing: be honest about how much time a project will take. Make sure to include prep time, and cleanup time, along with the actual time spent working on the project.
2. Happiness: Remember the golden rule: if your child is happy, you’re happy! Haha, but seriously a happy baby/child, makes the job so much easier! I usually try to
execute crafts around meal times. In my experience, it’s SO much easier to manage all the components of a craft, when child is in a high chair and happy.
3. Stocking up: One of my favorite outings is going to the craft store. I love Michael’s or AC Moore, and of course, Target. The basics in any craft cabinet are: Crayola Washable Paint, wipes (for easy cleaning), paintbrushes, construction paper, glue, scissors, and white cardstock. I’m a big fan of doing crafts on cardstock; it holds up really well, to not so gentle fingers and heavy paint!
4. Get ready: When prepping for a craft that is guaranteed to be messy, I always cut open garbage bags and securely tape them down around our craft area. I make sure to have the wipes at the ready, since it’s so easy for paint to end up somewhere else.

Craft Supplies

C and I are experts at our own personal routine! Usually I can assemble, help with craft and disassemble, in under 15 minutes. This is so helpful, for those days that C or I don’t want a long, drawn out craft. Hopefully my tips can help with your craft routine! Leave a comment and tell us what helpful tricks you have up your sleeve!!