Letter To The New Nanny

I haven’t met you, yet. But I want to tell you about the most amazing little boy. He’s almost three and a little under 40 pounds, and somehow he is the biggest wrecking ball I will ever know. He will wreck your carefully constructed tower, knock over a glass of water with reckless abandon, and…

I’ll love you forever.

When I was a little girl, my favorite book was, “Love you forever” by Robert Munsch. It’s an adorable book that follows a little boy and his mom through life. As the duo go through life, the mom always tells her son, “I’ll love you forever, I’ll like you for always, as long as I’m…

Year – in – Review

Oh boy, what a year! We are late with our Year in Review post, but hey, better late then never! I’ve heard mixed reviews about 2017, but for this nanny and nanny kid- we had a blast! 2017 was such a great year for us. C turned 2 in March 2017, and 2 is such…

Fall update

We’ve had a busy summer and fall. Often, it feels like there isn’t a slow second in the day for C and I. C will turn 3 in March and everyday is a reminder of how much he is growing! I’ve loved seeing his personality grow and develop with the weeks. We spent summer working on…