Fall update

We’ve had a busy summer and fall. Often, it feels like there isn’t a slow second in the day for C and I. C will turn 3 in March and everyday is a reminder of how much he is growing! I’ve loved seeing his personality grow and develop with the weeks. We spent summer working on potty training (post coming soon), increasing our Spanish vocabulary, learning how to swim, visiting as many parks as the day would allow, and bursting at the seams with love. With the start of September, C started his first preschool program, consisting of a Monday/Wednesday morning schedule. *Beginning school was a big adjustment for C, Mom/Dad and me! But together we got through it, and now C loves his school, and teachers.

Swim lessons!

As C, has grown and matured he has gotten to be more of a handful- but that’s not a bad thing! It means that he requires more intentional interaction, more freedom to create and express, while in turn needing more patience and sensitivity, defined boundaries and an outward energy expression to match his. At times, it can be hard to match his enthusiasm or to curb the frustration in my voice, as I repeat myself for what feels like the millionth time; it’s in these moments that I have to mentally take a step back and remind myself that his capacity for emotion and understanding is significantly less then mine. I take a deep breath, and I try again. Often allowing a second, to recognize my own frustration while remembering his limits, let’s me feel validated but still able to continue to give him what he needs.
C’s first day of school!

C’s energy level never ceases to amaze me- even when he is clearly sick, he can be a ball of energy. After a long weekend or a late night, it can be so hard and exhausting to share excitement over jumping on the cushions or playing the same games. But for C, it’s not like that. He thinks of me as his friend who comes and plays with him everyday; during our interactions he is excited to show me a toy or to have me watch him as he shows off his moves. During these moments, I try to feed off of his own energy and allow it to raise my own. Sometimes, coffee or tea is necessary to get through the day,  but more often then not- I fake it til I make it! I can’t wait to see the energy and creativity that winter brings!! Hope the November holiday treats you well!

*image found via Google image search

*Stay tuned for a school start up blog post!

2 Comments Add yours

  1. Grace says:

    You are so dear, Tasha. C is lucky to have you.

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Aww thank you! I’m lucky to have C! ❤️❤️


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