Parent Christmas Wishlist:

While I’m not a parent, I feel very qualified to recommend 6 products for any parent. These products are all tried and true, except for one (that I desperately want to get my hands on)! 1. My first recommendation is the Dock-a-tot. I love this product for the security it provides your infant and that…

Fall update

We’ve had a busy summer and fall. Often, it feels like there isn’t a slow second in the day for C and I. C will turn 3 in March and everyday is a reminder of how much he is growing! I’ve loved seeing his personality grow and develop with the weeks. We spent summer working on…

Honest confessions of an infant nanny

1. THERE IS NO SWEETER LOVE THAN THAT OF A BABY. I put this one in all caps, because I couldn’t reiterate this enough. One of the reasons why I love working with children is because of how innocent they are. They think innocently, they act innocently, and they love innocently. For a baby, multiply…