Parent Christmas Wishlist:

While I’m not a parent, I feel very qualified to recommend 6 products for any parent. These products are all tried and true, except for one (that I desperately want to get my hands on)!

1. My first recommendation is the Dock-a-tot. I love this product for the security it provides your infant and that fact that it grows with your baby! This product is also great, if you’re co-sleeping! Check out this product at their website!

2. I love the Nuna pack n’ play because of how lightweight this is! I’ve had two toddlers at my feet, and babe in my arms and have been able to easily put this pack n’ play away. Bring this easy lightweight pack n’ play on all of your adventures! Google Nuna pack n’ play and shop Nuna or a lookalike!

3. The “Baby Shusher”- I LOVE this product! As a child care professional, my go to method for soothing is shushing. I can shush in any pattern and rhythm that works for baby. However, shushing gets tiresome after awhile and it can be hard to interact with multiple kids, while you shush. This is product is perfect for these situations! Check on Amazon or your local Bed, Bath, & Beyond.

4. Veer: this is the one product, I haven’t tried- but I WANT TO! I love the ease that this product provides. Another reason why I love this wagon is because of the versatility it allows. There’s a way to attach your car seat to it- so you can push your babe and your toddler can ride in the wagon! Additional parts also include a mini wagon attachment (to carry even more), and a sun shade. It’s a hefty price tag, but I know that this wagon can follow you throughout life!

5. Gro Clock: this clock is helpful for anyone with kids! I love the personal responsibility this clock provides your little one with. The clock changes color to indicate when your toddler can get out of bed. Many moms/dads swear by this little tool!

6. The Aerosleep Twin Mattress: this little inflatable bed comes with a curved lip to ease the worry of a fall. It allows come with a sheet and is very easy to put away and use. C’s mom purchased this about a year ago for overnight trips and C has no problem sleeping on this! It’s compact and not at all bulky and is perfect for a night away. Get the Aerosleep Twin Mattress here!

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